CRIS Signer Installation Process in TMS for Windows
June 24, 2020
A digital signature is required to return scrap disposal in TMS (Track Management System). The software that runs…
IRBMS-Indian Railway Bridge Management System
June 15, 2020
IR-BMS: Indian Railway Bridge Management System IR-BMS a we…
IR-WCMS: Indian Railway Works Contract Management System
May 17, 2020
***IRWCMS is introducing OTP base login system. In this method Login using IR-SSO and HRMS ID of Officers or Bill …
Track Tamping Machines-Duomatic
May 14, 2020
Track Tamping Machines After repeatedly passing traffic, the track progressively, causing the desired vertica…
Multiple-Engine in Railway
May 09, 2020
Multiple-Engine When two locomotives connect with each other and act as one Engine, it is called Couple Engine…
Ballast Cleaning Machine
May 01, 2020
The function of the ballast cleaning machine (BCM) is to carry out the cleaning of the ballast by removing muck, t…