About us

About Tecnotips for Railway

Tecnotips for Railway website which started as a hobby. I'm not a company or corporation or Govt. organization, just an individual with knowledge that might help other Railway staff. The information on this site is given free of charge, to give a reasonable idea of railway technics.
The Tecnotips for Railway Website is an information resource with articles about railways, covering technical, operational, maintenance, and financial issues.

We have included a wide range of subjects - systems, design, operation, planning, finance, engineering, and maintenance. Both the technical and operational aspects are covered. There's plenty of pictures and graphics and links to other relevant sites.

    In the articles, we use the Indian Railway system as the base technology but there are also descriptions and information about other systems around the world. Articles and glossaries are provided for a range of subjects. 

Aim of the site

The aim of Tecnotips for Railway is to facilitate the dissemination and sharing of technical knowledge relating to the design, construction, and maintenance of Permanent Way, bridges, and other structures amongst the persons associated with it. Our mission at Tecnotips for Railway has been to educate, empower, enrich, prepare, and inspire the leaders of tomorrow through railway technology and research. Anyone may come up with ideas; but only Tecnotips can execute those, the way we do. We are responsive and engaged enough to succeed. Technical information to facilitate interchange and sharing of ideas.


The site map is shown in the box on the left. Many articles, including alphabetically arranged content and diagrams and photos, have some glossary where appropriate. Contains selected links for other technical pages. There are several separate pages covering various topics.



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