Unit Converter

All in One Unit Converter
All in One Unit Converter
Unit Type
No. of units
Convert from
Convert to
No. of units
Convert from
Convert to
No. of units
Convert from
Convert to
No. of units
Convert from
Convert to
No. of units
Convert from
Convert to
Convert from
Convert to

A unit is a measurement of a quantity that is defined or adopted by tradition or law. Other quantities can be expressed as a multiple of the unit.

In the past, many systems of measurement were defined on a local level, and could be based on factors as arbitrary as the length of a king's thumb. While this may work on a local level, when considering trade, as well as science, having systems of units based on units that others may not be able to relate to or understand makes interaction difficult. As such, the development of more universal and consistent systems developed over time. Today, some of the systems of units in use include the metric system, the imperial system, and the United States customary units.

The intent of this page is to provide a convenient means to convert between the various units of measurement within different systems.


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