HRMS for Railways Employees

Website address: or download HRMS App from Google Play Store


TO Know Your HRMS ID: Open HRMS Log-in page. Select Need Help for Login-enter your IPAS 11 digit Employee Number (PF Number)- Click on Go to View HRMS details.

Forgot Pasward: Open HRMS login page select Forget Password- Enter your 6 digit HRMS ID - Click on Send OTP- Enter 5 digit OTP received in your register Mobile Number- Click on Password Reset - Set New Password and confrim.

Procedure to use different modules in HRMS application

Login with HRMS User ID and Passworad along witah OTP received on register mobile number



Select ➞ Family Declaraton

Select➞Click on for Pass option to each member of family and Submitfor verification.

Select➞Pass Set List

Select➞Confirm if manual Pass availed entry details correct

Apply New Pass Application:-

Select➞Pass Set List

Select➞Type of Pass- Click Go

Select➞on Available passes Full Set or Half Sets

Select➞New Application

Enter: Outward journey from-to stations and add Break Journey station

Select➞Member to be included and submit for check of Pass Clerk & Pass Issuing Authority

View Issued Pass/PTOs

Select- My Issued Passes to view pass and PTOs.


Select➞loan & Advances

Select➞My PF Application

Select➞New Application

Select➞Withdrawal Type

Selet➞Withdrawl Reson

Enter➞Applied Amount

Enter➞No. of Installment (if Temporary Loan applied)


Upload if documents required and click on "Submit" for further process

To view Status

Select➞Loan & Advance

Select➞My PF Application

View " Current Status" in the details against your Application No.

ESS - Employee Self Sevice


Select➞View/Edit My Details

Select➞Required Tab for correction and click on "Go" to view details

Click on "Raise Change Request"

Type the Reason for Correction

Click on check box on the right side of the field

Make the correction which required

Upload the required documnents

Click on➞"Submit" button

To view Status

Note: Upload document should be in PDF format less than 2 MB and photos in JPG format

Use Employee ESS Module

Emploee Master

  • Basic Information
  • Family
  • communication Information
  • Personal
  • Qualificaton


  • Initial Appointment
  • Awards
  • Promotions
  • Transfer
  • Nominations
  • Training Details
  • Publication Details
  • Deputation Details

For correction in Employee Current Status and Pay change history please contact concerned Dealing Clerk.

For any further information please Contact your Staff Welfare Inspector.

For more detils in HRMS Application: Click on "HELP" & "FAQ" located at top of Right-hand Side.

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